Kenneth Shaw
Basic information for you to know. Kenneth is currently booking for 2026. His wait is 12 months. (Weekends typically book out further) Kenneth requires a $400-$1000 deposit to book an appointment. The deposit does go towards the cost of the tattoo split between the sessions. Once Kenneth starts the design/drawing process the deposit becomes nonrefundable. He typically does not get to that stage until a month or two before the first tattoo session. If you need to cancel your appointments and Kenneth has not started the design/drawing process, we will refund your deposit minus $50 for a booking fee. Pricing depends on size, placement, and design. Contact for hourly and day rate. He only accepts tattoos that best correlate with styles and ideas he prefers. The main focus with his work is realism, abstract realism, and surrealism. Be familiar with the style of tattoos Kenneth does. He will do cover ups. He won't schedule touch ups/reworks/fix ups of another artist work. He does not send process photos of the design/drawing process. The final design/drawing will be seen on the day of the first appointment. You can expect a response back within a week. Check your spam folder. Please note: Due to high demand, we are unable to respond to every request at this time. We are only able to respond to request that fit Kenneth's artistic style. Kenneth works Wednesday-Saturday REQUIREMENTS FOR A RESPONSE:
CAN BE DONE THROUGH EMAIL) In Person Consultation Days for 2025 You can stop in on the days listed below. Thursday January 16th 11am-5pm Thursday March 20th 11am-5pm Thursday May 8th 11am-5pm Thursday September 11th 11am-5pm Thursday November 20th 11am-5pm |